
Last update: 17/03/2022

Equal Remuneration Convention (1951)
Discrimination Convention (Employment and Occupation) (1958)
Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention (1981)
Maternity Protection Convention (2000)
Domestic Workers Convention (2011)
Violence and Harassment at work Convention (2019)

  • Political Constitution of the State (7 February, 2009)

  • Supreme Act No. 1.455 establishing the benefit of "Special Leave” for all mothers, fathers, guardians and carers working in the public and private sector who have children under the age of twelve (12) requiring personal care due to a serious accident or illness (9 January, 2013)

  • Supreme Act No. 4.401, which aims to promote measures for equal opportunities in access to employment, remuneration and equal treatment at work between women and men, in order to contribute to the elimination of the wage gap between women and men (25 November, 2020)

  • General Labour Act (Supreme Act 24 May, 1939)

  • Regulation on the General Labour Act. Supreme Act 224 (23 August, 1943)

  • Supreme Act No. 1.212 on paternity leave (1 May, 2012)

  • Social Security Code (14 December, 1956)

  • Supreme Act No. 0012, which aims to regulate the conditions regarding non-removability from their job for mothers and fathers working in the public or private sector (19 February, 2009)

  • Law No. 065, on pensions (10 December, 2010)

  • Supreme Act No. 4.589, regulating Law No. 2.450, (9 April, 2003),on the regulation of paid work in the home, concerning the affiliation of salaried domestic workers to the National Health Insurance Scheme (28 September, 2021)

  • Law No. 2.450 on the regulation of paid work in the home (9 April, 2003)

  • Supreme Act No. 29.215 (2 August, 2007) regulating Law No. 3.545

  • Law No. 3.545 on Community Redirection of Agrarian Reform (28 November, 2006), amending Law No. 1.715 INRA

  • Law No. 1.715 on the National Service for Agrarian Reform (18 October, 1996)

Bolivia :