Virtual platform on legislation affecting women's economic autonomy and empowerment in Ibero-America

Seeking to galvanise action to repeal discriminatory laws and encourage the adoption of regulatory frameworks conducive to women's economic empowerment, the Ibero-American General Secretariat (SEGIB) and UN Women have been promoting the Legal Frameworks for Women's Autonomy and Economic Empowerment initiative since 2017.

This platform fits within the framework of that initiative and responds to the mandates emanating from the XVI Ibero-American Summit in La Antigua, Guatemala. It offers a detailed analysis of current legislation in key areas for women's economic autonomy and empowerment, as well as a proposal for a reform agenda with recommendations in regard to specific provisions to be adopted, reformed and/or eliminated in each of the Ibero-American countries.

key areas



In all Ibero-American countries there are laws that limit or impede women's economic empowerment.
