
Last update: 15/12/2024

Equal Remuneration Convention (1951)
Discrimination Convention (Employment and Occupation) (1958)
Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention (1981)
Maternity Protection Convention (2000)
Domestic Workers Convention (2011)
Violence and Harassment at work Convention (2019)

  • Act No. 189-59. Labour Code of Honduras, (15 July, 1959)

  • No. 34-2000. Act on Equal Opportunities for Women (22 May, 2000)

  • Act No. 131. Constitution of the Republic of Honduras (11 January, 1982)

  • DECREE No. 27 - 2015 Equal Pay Act; April 27, 2015.

  • Accord No. 003-JD-2005 of the Honduran Institute of Social Security. General Regulation on the Social Security Law, (29 June, 2005)

  • Social Security Law and Act No. 080-2001 containing the reforms thereof (1 June, 2001)

Honduras :