
Last update: 15/12/2024

Equal Remuneration Convention (1951)
Discrimination Convention (Employment and Occupation) (1958)
Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention (1981)
Maternity Protection Convention (2000)
Domestic Workers Convention (2011)
Violence and Harassment at work Convention (2019)

  • Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay (20 June, 1992)

  • Law No. 213/93, establishing the Labour Code (29 October, 1993)

  • Law No. 3.338/2007 approving Convention 156 on equal opportunities and equal treatment for men and women workers: workers with family responsibilities (22 October, 2007)

  • Law No. 4.933, authorising the voluntary incorporation of independent workers, employers, housewives and domestic workers to social security - retirement and pensions fund of the social security institute (14 March, 2013)

  • Act No. 7.550, regulating Law No. 5.508 (28 October, 2015), on the Promotion and Protection of Maternity and Support for Maternal Breastfeeding (8 August, 2017)

  • Law No. 5.508 on the Promotion and Protection of Maternity and Support for Maternal breastfeeding (28 October, 2015)

  • Act-Law No. 1.860, amending Act Law No. 18.071 (18 February, 1943) on the establishment of the Social Security Institute, (1 December, 1950)

  • Law No. 5.344, establishing maternity leave for elected officials (16 October, 2014)

  • Law No. 2.263 which partially amends Law No. 98/92, which establishes the Unified System of Retirement and Pensions and amends the provisions of Decree Law No. 1.860/50, approved by Law No. 375/56 and complementary Laws No. 537, dated 20 September 1958, 430, dated 28 December 1973 and 1.286 (dated 4 December 1987)

  • Law No. 98 establishing the unified retirement and pension scheme and amending the provisions of Decree Law No. 1.860/50 approved by Law No. 375/56 and complementary Laws No. 537 dated 20 September 1958, 430 dated 28 December 1973 and 1.286 dated 4 December 1987 (of 31 December 1992)

  • Law No. 5.407 on Domestic Work (13 October, 2015)

  • Resolution MTESS no. 2319/19 by which regulates Law no. 6338/19 “amending article 10 of Law no. 5407/15 ‘of domestic work’ and the adjustment of wages and wages of domestic service workers in the entire territory of the republic and MTESS Resolution no. 2294/19 of date 01 july 2019 is left without effect”.

  • Law No. 5.446, on public policies for rural women (20 July, 2015)

Paraguay :