
Last update: 15/12/2024

Equal Remuneration Convention (1951)
Discrimination Convention (Employment and Occupation) (1958)
Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention (1981)
Maternity Protection Convention (2000)
Domestic Workers Convention (2011)
Violence and Harassment at work Convention (2019)

  • Law No. 19.161, amending maternity allowance and establishing paternity and newborn care allowances (1 November, 2013)

  • Law No. 19.353, establishing the National Comprehensive Care System (SNIC) (27 November, 2015)

  • Law No. 20.000, amending maternity and paternity allowance for workers in the private sector (18 November, 2021)

  • Constitution of the Republic, 1967 constitution as amended on 26 November 1989, 26 November 1994, 8 December 1996 and 31 October 2004 (1967)

  • Law No. 16.045, on equal treatment and equal opportunities for both sexes in employment activity (2 June, 1989)

  • Law No. 19.846, Approval of the obligations arising from international human rights law, in relation to equality and non-discrimination between women and men, including formal, substantive and recognised equality (from 19 December 2019)

  • Law No. 5.032 on Occupational Accidents. Prevention measures (21 July, 1914)

  • Law No. 19.121, Regulation of the Statute of Civil Servants of the Central Public Administration (20 August, 2013)

  • Law No. 18.345, Special paid leave for workers in the private sector (11 September, 2008)

  • Law No. 18.868 Prohibition of the requirement to take a pregnancy test (23 December, 2011)

  • Law No. 11.577 on Insalubrious Industries (14 October, 1950)

  • Law No. 17.215, Female workers who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Right to a temporary change in their employment activities (24 September, 1999)

  • Law No. 18.395, amendments to Law No. 16.713 on Social Security, relaxing the system of access to retirement benefits (24 October, 2008)

  • Law No. 20130 on Social Security Reform. Creation of a common social security system and determination of the convergence procedure of the currently existing systems (may 2, 2023).

  • Act No. 224/007, Regulation of Law No. 18.065 on the Regulation of Domestic Work (27 November, 2006)

  • Law No. 18.065, Regulation on Domestic work (26 November, 2006)

Uruguay :